Our Vision, Mission and Ministry
Equipping a pastoral care community that prayerfully nurtures and educates youth and families through Christ, to live transformed lives in keeping with God’s Word.
Christian Life Skills seeks to prayerfully equip persons who desire to assist others in living spiritually healthy and productive lives through: teaching, training, mentoring, modeling, nurturing, and networking in the context of churches, educational institutions, and community settings.

Our Programs
Young Adult Leadership Training (YALT) program:
Provides personal, spiritual, career, and leadership development to youth and young adults.
Combined Youth and Family Fellowship:
Intergenerational events, youth and families together for a variety of fun activities, family support, and spiritual encouragement.
Positive Alternative Entrepreneurial Program (PAEP):
Financial management skills, entrepreneurship, and economic development.
Life Skills-in Action:
Community service, arts & crafts, self-development activities and other learning experiences.
Life Skills Nurturing and Mentoring:
Nurturing, mentoring, and life skills for ages 6-9 and 10-18.

We are excited to announce that Skill 1: “Becoming My Own Self”, will begin on Thursday, June 16, 2016. Young people between the ages of 13 to 18 are strongly encourages to sign up for this important life-changing program.
Life Skills Curriculum
Skill 1: “Becoming My Own Self” 
(June 16 – July 14, 2016)
This unit will focus on self-care, self-understanding, self-respect, and self-esteem.
Register Here
Skill 2: 
Thinking responsibly, realistically, critically, honestly, biblically, and in preparation for academic success.
Skill 3:
Establishing biblical values and understanding how to set goals and make good decisions.
Skill 4:
Experiencing God, developing a relationship with Him through Christ, His Word, Christian fellowship, and a variety of wholesome activities.
Skill 5:
Understanding and managing sexuality: body, mind, spirit, and whole being.
Skill 6:
Exploring issues of vocation, politics, economics, community service, and purposeful living.
Skill 7:
Healthy relationships with friends, family, coworkers, etc. in responsible, respectful, and caring ways. Dealing with bullying or other issues appropriately.
Skill 8:
Understanding and managing anger, sadness and other feelings in constructive ways.
Skill 9:
Developing a healthy lifestyle: avoiding unhealthy habits, developing wholesome habits.


Check out the latest edition of our newsletter:

2017 July 9, CLS Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 1-7-8-17