Union Baptist Church recognizes that ministries can be a valuable part of the Christian experience. Ministries provide opportunities for members to express diverse interests, build leadership skills, develop meaningful relationships, work collaboratively to enrich the Christian life experience and utilize their spiritual gifts for the service of the Kingdom of God. The UBC Ministry Coordinator provides administrative oversight, support and management of all official ministry endeavors, in addition the Church Office maintains the funds of these ministries.

This Ministry Resource page offers Spiritual Leaders resources to help  maintain godly and Spirit-lead standards within the exercise of their calling and in service to the members of UBC and the greater community of lost souls and others in need.

Please find important resources below:

Event Request Form (Rev. Jan 2018)


Check-Request-Form-01-17-15-Single-Form-fillable Version

UBC Ministry Handbook rev 6.18.19

Ministry Registration Form

Sample UBC Ministries Bylaws

Announcement Request Form

RightNow Media <– Email info@unionbaptistpgh.org to set up a free account

Google Email & Apps <– Email info@unionbaptistpgh.org to have a church google account created