Our Story

Our Founders

Not Shown: Deacon Davis, James T. Evans, Pleasant Murphy, Mrs. Ward, Olive Ward, Pauline Ward, Mrs. Woodson, and Eliza Wright

How it all started...

Throughout the years Union Baptist Church of Swissvale  has always been known as the “little church with a big heart!” Union was organized on Friday, April 30, 1920, by the late Reverend S. R. Tribbett and twelve dedicated Christian men and women. Services were first held in a storefront at 2100 Monongahela Avenue in the area where the Triangle Grill now stands.

Reverend Tribbett served as pastor for just four months. Reverend L. B. Banks was then called to Union. During his administration, the membership increased and the church moved to a garage owned by the Croppe Family. It was located at the rear of 7405 Washington Street in Swissvale. Reverend Banks resigned in May of 1923, and the church was then led by Reverend A. J. Green until 1925.
In 1926, Reverend Walter L. Shaw, Sr. was chosen to lead the church. For a few years of his administration, he received no salary. An offering was lifted for him on one Sunday of each month. “Follow me” was his motto, and he led the way both spiritually and financially.

In 1930, the church purchased a lot at 5 Arthur Street, and Reverend Shaw put the first spade in the ground. Worship services were held in the basement of the church until 1941 when the sanctuary was built. The church mortgage was paid and burned under his leadership. In August 1953, Reverend Shaw resigned following nearly twenty-eight years of dedicated service.

Expanding the vision...

Reverend Herbert Wilkerson took charge as pastor on September 5, 1954. He was ordained by the Allegheny Baptist Association on October 9, 1954. Under his leadership, Union became chartered under the Non-Profit Corporation Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

A Building Fund was established in 1961 and led to the eventual purchase of the present property on the corner of Agnes Street and Collingwood Avenue. Union celebrated its 53rd anniversary with a ground-breaking ceremony.

The following year on Sunday, February 24, 1974, the congregation held a farewell service at the “Old Homestead” and marched to 2117 Collingwood Avenue for its first worship service in the new church building. On Sunday, February 13, 1977, Reverend Wilkerson surrendered his office as pastor, and left the church with instructions and guidelines relative to selecting a new pastor.

After Reverend Wilkerson’s departure, the late Associate Pastor, Reverend John Tisdale, served as interim pastor. A Pulpit Committee was formed and began the search for a new pastor. Within six months, the Reverend Edmond D. Davis answered the call. Under his pastorate, Union continued to grow. Reverend Davis resigned in February 1982.
One year later, Reverend Maurice Doss from Cornerstone Baptist Church in East Liberty was installed as pastor in February of 1983. Accomplishments under Reverend Doss’ pastorate include: The reorganization of the Sunday School into Church School in 1995 to address a wider concern of topics and concerns; ten ministers licensed to preach; a Nursery to look after our children during church services, and the burning of the church mortgage twelve years ahead of schedule.

In 2003, the church formally incorporated a nonprofit agency, Reach Up, Inc., with a mission is to empower families, youth, and communities in pursuit of a better quality of life through Christ-centered holistic services and resources. Reach Up continues to pursue this work today!

After a long a protracted illness, Reverend Doss tendered his resignation as pastor on November 16, 2008.

Rev. Walter L Shaw
(1926 - 1953)

Rev. Herbert Wilkerson
(1953 - 1977)

Rev. Edmond Davis
(1977 - 1982)

Rev. Maurice Doss
(1983 - 2008)

Reverend Robert W. Tedder served as the Interim Pastor during Reverend Doss's absence. On March 29, 2009, Reverend Tedder was installed as the new pastor of the Union Baptist Church of Swissvale. Reverend Tedder orchestrated a revision of the church’s organizational structure to carry out his vision for Union with a focus on leadership development and ministry implementation.

Under Reverend Tedder’s leadership, policies and procedures continued to be developed to provide for clearer church governance. In addition, job descriptions were created for all paid and key volunteer positions.  During Reverend Tedder's tenure all of the church's debt was paid off. Reverend Tedder resigned in March 2017.
In April 2017, the church called Reverend Dr. Michael Friday to serve as its Interim Senior Pastor. Dr. Friday has been leading the congregation to evaluate its present, to reflect on its past, and to move towards its future. Under Dr. Friday’s leadership the church has commissioned a new Council of Ministries to carry out the work of the church. Dr. Friday continues to challenge the congregation to stretch beyond its comfort zone and prepare for its next permanent Senior Pastor.

Union continues to minister under the direction of new Senior Pastor, Rev. Justin D. Eidinger, Sr. Embracing our future, Union continues to revitalize and innovate all aspects of  ministry. Reverend Eidinger resigned as Senior Pastor on August 7, 2020 and relocated with his family to San Diego, California. Though he was with us for only a short period of time, the congregation experienced a renewal of hope, vitality and energy. He was active in outreach and community ministry.
2020 - present
Following Reverend Eidinger’s resignation, the congregation held a historic vote to appoint Reverend Jacquelyn M. Lewis to serve as Interim Senior Pastor, marking the first time this position has been held by a woman at Union Baptist Church of Swissvale.

Reverend Lewis believes that the church of Jesus should always be the epicenter of cultural, academic, and healthy living leadership as well as a hub for spiritual growth and practice.

The last several years have proven to be full of great challenges and great opportunity. The church has grappled with the impact of a global pandemic, have mourned greatly the loss of longtime friends and family members, and have learned to be a scattered yet unified church.

Rev. Robert Tedder
(2009 - 2017)

Rev. Dr. Michael Friday 
(2017 - 2019)

Rev. Justin Eidinger
(2019 - 2020)

Rev. Jacquelyn Lewis
(2020 - 2024)

Remaining Steadfast...

We remain steadfast in fulfilling our mission and are confident that Union. will reach to greater heights and navigate us through this unprecedented season. As we look ahead to Union’s next 100 years, it is our fervent prayer that God will use and guide us in such a manner as to make certain that Union Baptist Church of Swissvale continues to be a place of salvation, comfort, and charity. May our faith be sufficient to merit God's divine favor.

 We are encouraged that God continues to add to the church and people continue to grow spiritually. We remain committed to our mission to Glorify God, Heal Lives, and Inspire Hope!

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:00 am.